High Rise (Amstrad Cassette 50 Game 48)


The object of this game is to refuel your helicopter, so you go along to where there used to be a runway. Now, I don’t know how long it was since you were last there, but someone has managed to build an entire town on it. Do you fly off and try and refuel somewhere else? No! You bomb the place of course. You cruel bastard.

Weirdly, there is a game basically the same as this already on the Amstrad Cassette 50, called Whirly. This one is slightly better though.

See the Commodore 64 version of High Rise
See the Atari 8-bit version of High Rise
See the Acorn Electron version of High Rise
See the Zx81 version of High Rise

Also, this is very similar to…

Bomber on the Vic-20 Cassette 50
Blitz on the ZX Spectrum Cassette 50
Jet Flight on the Commodore 64 Cassette 50
Attacker on the Acorn Electron Cassette 50

Bomber (Vic-20 Cassette 50 Game 28)


You know what’s a great way to destroy a city? Farting bombs. FARTING BOMBS. I know that because I played this game which is about destroying a city with bombs. And when the bombs hit a building they did a big fart sound. Who can argue with that?

Very similar to:
Blitz on the ZX Spectrum Cassette 50
Jet Flight on the Commodore 64 Cassette 50
High Rise on the Amstrad Cassette 50
Whirly on the Amstrad Cassette 50
Attacker on the Acorn Electron Cassette 50